The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Sunday, July 05, 2009

My Sincere Thanks To All Of You...

As most of you know, The Big Finale has not been a monetary venture for me. However, I do appreciate your support by supporting authors and others who are guests on the program. Your support ensures that people want to come back and want to interface with all of you great people.

This weekend, I received the following positive feedback from Helena Lehman:

"Thankfully, our last interview together made my sales jump rather dramatically for about a week."

This is great to hear. I wanted to personally thank you for your support and listenership. You are not required to buy books to listen to the show, obviously, and I suspect most authors who appear on the program have a desire to teach and would do so for free. Yet, it is awfully nice of those of you who go out of the way to purchase their materials.

May God richly bless you.

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