The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Found An Interesting Website

I'm going to try to make sure I am balancing the news on this site with solutions. So, with that in mind, I found a website that deals with the following subjects, for free:

Psychology of Survival
Survival Kits and Planning
Survival Medicine
Water Procurement
Food Procurement
Survival Use of Plants
Poisonous Plants
Dangerous Animals
Weapons, Tools, Equipment
Desert Survival
Tropical Survival
Cold Weather Survival
Sea Survival
Water Crossings
Wilderness Navigation
Signaling Techniques
Hostile Areas
Contact With People
Survival in Man-Made Hazards

Some of the information is great, some is so-so...but I will continue to find websites, books and guests with answers to the issues of our day.

This particular website is more geared toward survival in a wilderness setting. Why is this important? 100 years ago, it probably wouldn't have been. Most people were self sufficient in those days. Today, we need a refresher course.

Here is the site:

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