The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Warning: This Has Nothing To Do With Anything Else!

This is not my normal post as it is not really relevant to the thesis of this blog. However, this is just one of those...'huh, that's interesting'.... moments (or as my grandfather used to say, innersting).
Social networking is obviously an important part of promoting a blog and/or a message on the internet. Looking at the Nielsen report above, it looks like MySpace has suffered tremendously in the light of new, modern forms of social media. I have found it to be less interactive and more about "me." Perhaps this is why.
Linkedin is good for what it is (business contacts). I don't use facebook but I know people who do. Blogger for my blog. I am enjoying twitter quite a bit now (and look at the increase with twitter, it's HUGE...definitely a trend there).
Thanks for allowing me this little detour....

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