The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rambling Thoughts On A Sunday Night ...

I was using my stationary bike today, listening to my Pandora App on my iPod touch, when suddenly a song from the Stone Temple Pilots popped up. When I saw the album cover, I was amazed with all of the Masonic symbolism in the cover art. The sunflower, the rising Sun and the word Temple in the middle of the Sun all have Masonic connections. Fascinating and hard to believe that this is a coincidence.

I'm very surprised at Netanyahu: Netanyahu Agrees to Palestinian State in Move Welcomed by US

Also, have you been watching the riots in Tehran? Wow. That might keep Iran busy for a while- although we know that many wars are started as a distraction to revolutions on the rise.

Last, when a Christian 'gives his heart to Jesus.' Is this thought from Pagan roots- when the victims would give their hearts to the gods (like the Mayans). Still, it is a great analogy... their gods take the physical heart, ours is concerned with the spiritual.

Later, friends. Be well.

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