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Thursday, June 04, 2009

FBI Arrests Liberty Dollar Founder

I don't know if you have followed the Liberty Dollar saga but, in short, Liberty Dollar was a gold and silver based coinage that was sold at The government obviously didn't like that (because they want you enslaved to their worthless paper and credit..well, actually the paper is credit- it's a promissory note to the Federal Reserve) and they previously confiscated their supply of coins during a time when Liberty Dollar was producing a very popular Ron Paul coin.

Obviously, it is a huge setback when the government TAKES all of your supplies but they had been clawing their way back into business. Unfortunately, they have now been arrested.

But, like a true hero, the founder sees true OPPORTUNITY in the midst of the storm:

The best news is that the Liberty Dollar finally has the opportunity to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legal. Over two years ago I sued the US government for a Declaratory Judgment to resolve the legality issue. And how did they respond, they raided the Liberty Dollar and confiscated over $4 million dollars in gold, silver and cash. The US government has done everything possible to kill the Liberty Dollar! And guess what? It has not worked. The mere fact that the Liberty Dollar is still in business is a testament to your demand for Real Money and the ideals that the Liberty Dollar represents.

Click HERE for a stilted Press Release by the DOJ. Its three pages with a whopper by Owen Harris, Special FBI Agent in Charlotte who said, "When groups try to replace the US dollar with coins and bills that don't hold the same value..." WOW what a telling statement of pure spin.
Click HERE for the 13 page Indictment.
Click HERE for Sarah's Arrest Warrant.

As of right now, they are still in business:

I will be updating this situation.

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