The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Monday, June 08, 2009

Alex Jones: Kevin Trudeau Is Not Your Friend And He Is Not The People's Friend

I have been checking out Mr. Trudeau and received an email that directed me to a website with a password.

Once signed in, it brought me to this explanation of Mr. Trudeau's "Secret" new venture:

The Global Information Network (GIN) is a Non Profit Multi-Form Foundation organized in the country of Nevis. It was founded by a group of individuals from around the world who are the highest ranking members of several private societies, associations, clubs, and groups whose membership has been exclusive to the privileged elite class of the world. The Founders of GIN include members of :

The Brotherhood
The Bilderbergers
The Council on Foreign Relations
The Free Masons
Yale University’s Skull and Bones
The Illuminate
The Trilateral Commission
And several other Elite International Societies

For the first time in human history, the highest ranking members of these “secret societies” have decided to form a new private member only group that allows people who do not qualify to become members of the above listed societies to join together and be exposed to the same secrets revealed and taught to members of those societies and clubs.

There is a New World Order forming that is designed to increase the gap between the wealthy and the average working man. The Founders of GIN do not agree with this movement of total control over individuals. The Founders of GIN believe that EVERY person has the right to know the secrets of creating the life they want and enjoy freedom, pursue happiness and achieve all their dreams and desires.

The Creed of the Global Information Network is:

Every person on earth has the right to know all the knowledge available on planet earth
Every person on earth has the right to pursue happiness
Every person on earth has the right to be free to pursue his own dreams, goals, and desires
Every person on earth has the right to know ALL the methods of curing and preventing disease and have dynamic vibrant health.
Every person on earth has the right to know how to use their mind to create and manifest in their lives whatever they choose
Every person on earth has the right to privacy from all governments and corporate entities
Every person on earth has the right to be happy, secure, safe, and fulfilled as a human being
Every person on earth has the same importance as every other person
Every person on earth can have, be or do anything they desire
The privileged elite class has NO right to hide the truth from the masses and keep them as virtual slaves

The Founding Fathers of GIN include:

Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers)
World Leaders
Some of the most powerful, influential, educated and successful people on earth

Has Trudeau flipped his lid? Does he think patriots are going to want to learn from globalists/ satanists?

I feel sorry for Alex Jones because Trudeau used him to try to garner some of his audience... but I do believe that Alex' audience is way too smart for that.

If Trudeau is a Bilderberg as he said (and now I'm having some doubts), he is laughing at the pathetic common man who would beg for his help. And, if he is not an insider, he is just launching another one of his ridiculous ventures.

Shame on you, Kevin Trudeau. You will never fool me again.

By the way, I ran across this video of Alex Jones in his "spare time." Did you know he has speakers on his car- on the outside??

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