The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Friday On The Big Finale (and future Finales)

Friday night, I will be talking about my testimony and how I believe that God has blessed me, despite my failings, through a unique series of events. I will be discussing my experiences as a pastor's grandson, my membership in a secret society, my teenage years which involved visiting my father in a mental institution, my multi-millionaire great uncle whose connections are revealing to how the powerful operate, and my 'stumbling' into conspiratorial history as a result of losing a job as a nationally syndicated book reviewer in over 50 AM radio markets. It's been quite a ride!

Future Fridays include:

June 5th- Ralph Epperson ( ) He's seen Angels & Demons now and will tell us about the real Illuminati

June 12th- Lynn Marzulli ( ) back from his conference, Lynn will catch us up on the latest prophetic news

June 19th- Helena Lehman ( ) Helena has done some outstanding research into sacred astronomy

June 26- Jeffrey K. Radt ( ) I believe that there will be some big news in this interview

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