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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Angels & Demons Has Warped Representation of Illuminati

I am not completely sure that the globalists today call themselves "illuminati" or consider themselves "illuminati" but I am absolutely certain that secret societies today promote this globalist agenda as do our world leaders, who have ties to occultic organizations.

I watched about an hour of the movie, Angels & Demons, and noticed all of the ridiculous claims about the Illuminati.

It seemed like they were trying to say that the Illuminists were scientists who were driven underground due to the persecution of them by the Catholic church. Furthermore, they stated an event known as "La Purga " (the purge) where four scientists were killed by the Catholic church for their beliefs.

This event never happened nor were the Illuminati a group of scientists. The sad thing is, the media is very good at promoting this kind of propaganda that barely resembles the true story.

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