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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Secret Societies, Freemasonry, Cronyism and Conspiracy: Answers

Many so called secret societies figure in conspiracy theories as bodies, secretly ruling the world. But do you think some of these societies accomplished something really significant in reality? Or are they only ordinary groups of people with common interests who maybe sometimes delight in being seen in mysterious way?

The heyday of secret societies occurred during the 18th Century. We see the birth of Freemasonry-proper along with its enumerable offshoots or extensions, as well as the more socio-political variety represented by the Bavarian Illuminati. But, all of them - without exception - as you say - “delight[ed] in being seen in [a] mysterious way.”

The Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Criticism also gave birth to the modern conspiracy theory. And this is due, in large measure, to the very real machinations of the Bavarian Illuminati. When John Robison wrote Proofs of a Conspiracy in 1797; a more apt title there was not. Through defectors from the secret society itself to the confiscation of internal correspondences by the government, it was learned that the Illuminati’s sole raison d’ĂȘtre was infiltration and subversion – a conspiracy through-and-through. One did not need further “theorizing,” for the Illuminati was a concrete manifestation of everyone’s worst fears.


(Bruce Note: I definitely believe in the 'power' of secret societies. As a teenager, I was blindfolded, led into a dark Masonic 'temple', where I swore that I would never tell any secrets that occured during the 'rituals.' I was instructed to swear upon the Holy Bible and to kiss the Bible as a final promise to (their) god. Today, I do not feel bound by that oath because it is not one that Yahweh would have wanted me to keep. I was also taught secret handshakes and one 'secret' stance with my hand extended that looked like the person was saluting Hitler. My father was a Mason and I believe his activity in the Masons was part of his downfall- he ended up in prison and, later, lifetime probation. I will have more about all of this soon on my blog...)

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