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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

By Request Of Obama, Jesus Covered Up With BLACK PYRAMID!

Amidst all of the American flags and presidential seals, there was something missing when President Barack Obama gave an economic speech at Georgetown University this week -- Jesus.
The White House asked Georgetown to cover a monogram symbolizing Jesus' name in Gaston Hall, which Obama used for his speech, according to
The gold "IHS" monogram inscribed on a pediment in the hall was covered over by a piece of black-painted plywood, and remained covered over the next day, reported.
Bruce Note: Significance of pyramids in the Occult:
The mandala of the New World Order and Illuminati control. "Annuit Coeptis—He has Blessed our Beginning", "Novus Ordo Seclorum—New Order of the Ages". The All-Seeing Eye of Horus, the resurrected Egyptian Sun God, biblically refered to as Lucifer, the angel of light.
In occult doctrine it is thought that "from the union of spirit and matter (the pyramid is made of stone, rock, and earth—and represents the unconscious. The capstone is made of an immaterial substance—light or spirit—and is conscious), a new being—a transformed being—is created. The seal's reverse depicts a separation state in the separation of the eye the triangle."
"The pyramid exemplifies the initiation stage,... it is the house of initiation, in which the candidate confronts the world of darkness and enters the world of spirit. By passing the tests of the elements, the candidate is initiated into the realm of higher consciousness." (Hieronimus ibid., p.92) After succesfully completing the initiation process, the candidate is reborn, and joins the single eye in the pyramid.

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