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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Politicians, Bankers, Media, Televangelists- Guilty of the Sin of Usury?

Should Benny Hinn have asked poor South Africans to charge up their credit cards for his ministry?,,2-7-1442_2360893,00.html

Exodus 22:25 says, "If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury."

What is usury?

Webster's Third New International Dictionary says,"a premium or increase paid or stipulated for a loan of money or goods, interest; the lending out of money with an interest charge for its use; the taking or practice of taking interest."

Leviticus 25: 38-39 states that there should be no increase when we loan to our brethren.

Ezekiel 22:12 likens usury to adulterers.

Jesus told the publicans to "exact no more than that which is appointed you" Luke 3:12-13

In fact, Jesus was very harsh on those who took advantage of the poor.

Article 1 of the United States Constitution states that "Congress shall have power to coin money and regulate the value thereof." We had honest money once.

In 1913, Congress gave away its' power to a private corporation, known as the Federal Reserve. No money printed by the Federal Reserve is issued without interest and debt. Why did we give away our power to print the money?

Today, the Congress wants more economic stimulus- a $1,500 check to taxpayers and non-taxpayers alike. That money will be printed by the Federal Reserve and we will owe even more money and more interest and more debt to the private bankers.

Honestly, does this sound like a Godly system?

Jesus paid our sin debt. Why must our Politicians and Bankers enslave us with monetary debt?

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