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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Found this on a Catholic Blog:

To the best of my knowledge, I have never made this sign by accident in my life. How is it that our world leaders all seem to make the satanic salute all the time?

Occultists of the world all recognize the Satanist Salute. Unfortunately, most Christians are either ignorant about it or they choose to live in denial that their leaders would be in the Occult.

The Satan salute is to extend the index finger and the little finger while folding the two middle fingers. The two extended fingers represent the horns of the Goat Of Mendez, also known as Baphomet. The horns also represent the two points of an inverted five pointed star, which is called a Pentagram. The Pentagram is the primary symbol of Satanism and many of the occult factions. For Christians, the upright five pointed star is a symbol of Christ. Inverted, it becomes the symbol of Christ's enemy.

It is this dark occult religion which was the basis of the founding of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, under orders from the infamous banker, Rothschild. The Illuminati later infiltrated the Masonic Orders. The Skull & Bones (William Russell Trust, Inc.), of which both Bush presidents, John Kerry, all CIA heads, Anderson Cooper of CNN, and many others of Washington politics are members, is a Satanist cult. On the wall of their clubhouse, "The Tomb," is a large Pentagram.

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