The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Monday, January 05, 2009

Nonsense to me but worth reporting...

The Web Bots Project

According to Wikipedia, "the Web Bots Project is a purported technology described by George Ure of Urban Survival Weekly capable of making future predictions beyond simple trend analysis about events yet to happen by scanning the web using spiders which search for keywords and context."

Now, they have allegedly made predictions ahead of time, including:

1. Predictions made toward a military background in the Beltway sniper attacks
2. Loose references to the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster
3. References were made to Vice President Dick Cheney, involving a gun shot wounding
4. A major event was predicted in the time period days around the 9/11 attacks.
5. John McCain would end his campaign in September 2008 for health reasons (which turned out to be true for one week, but for the health of the economy not his own)
6. Louisiana would experience an "electrifying" water experience that will 13 million people away from shore (Hurricane Rita did this to 1.3 million people, however the post-event comments was how "shockingly fast" the water rose in the city.)

I believe that Steve Quayle, who I admire and respect, believes this to be a true thing (I know he has interviewed George Ure and talked about this 'technology')... but it would suggest that many people who post to the web are unknowingly psychic...or another explanation? Personally, I would believe that these are what we would call coincidence...

Anyway, I bring it up because..."More recent runs of the Web Bot system are reported to have predicted dire events in 2012."

Also, and this is pretty interesting, the Web Bots are seeming to suggest that there will be UFO 'disclosure' in 2009 by the Obama administration.

Certainly, we have seen other governments (UK, France) who have released significant volumes of UFO documentation (Britain releasing 1,000 documents on sightings from the 70s and 80s).

Interesting further:

On November 5, President Elect Obama announced that John Podesta, an advocate of UFO disclosure, would co-manage the White House transition team.

On the record, Podesta has stated, "I think it's time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. Other key White House Cabinet members are like-minded."

The Chinese have an old saying, May you live in interesting times!

We do.

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