The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

News of Interest for June 5th...

In Love With Debt

China diversifying into equities and gold

Syria to end dollar peg, second Arab country in two weeks

$529,900 to $454,900 in 2 Months. Breaking the Speed Limit of Cost Cutting!

Dollar Drops to Two-Week Low Against Euro on Bernanke Comments

The Impending Global Liquidity Crisis

I wrote this book review for

Book Review: That Wasn’t A Bump In The Night -- That Was Tom Horn’s Keystrokes!
Immediately, the author turns back the pages of time to the genesis of mythos and holds it over the Creator’s enduring fingerprint in history to allow a pattern of clarity to emerge. Elements of familiarity and truth resoundingly vibrate with swatches of old fabric from original revelation, although much of it morphed into distorted knowledge by time and rebellion. Mr. Horn rightly sees strange, misunderstood phenomena of present day mysteriously linked to ‘half buried’ mythological and historical artifacts and beliefs of the past. Stories of ancient ‘gods’ such as Hades of the underworld, at first sight, oddly quoted by Jesus in the scriptures, can’t be ignored. "Nephilim Stargates" delves into the ancient religions of Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek origin in generous detail and finds common ground of the gods coming down to Earth from the Heavens and mingling with mankind.

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