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Monday, January 25, 2010

Healed By The Power Of Prayer


Tracey Wagner says her son fell through an icy lake, and was trapped under water for 20 minutes. Pastor Danny Sinquefield was with Tracey that day.

"The very first thing we did was say can we pray with you."

Reese was rushed to LeBonheur, without a heartbeat or a pulse.

"I was there when the doctors came out and told her the prognosis wasn't good, in fact it seemed like it was going to take a miracle for this child to survive this accident."

"Well the great thing about being here at LeBonheur is that we're a faith-based institution."

So the prayers started for the 10-year-old baseball player.

"Over 15,000 people joined the pray for Reese Facebook page."

Then, Pastor Sinquefield witnessed the power of prayer at his church, Faith Baptist Bartlett.

"I probably personally have never been involved in anything more heart stirring, more powerful than that meeting, hundreds of people from the community came to pray for Reese."

It was the kids whose prayers hit Sinquefield the hardest.

"I believe that God hears us when we pray but he especially hears the prayers of children, it's a powerful thing that happens," says Sinquefield.

"Kids understand prayer sometimes much better than adults 'cause they are trained to believe in the unbelievable."

"God just heard those prayers and healed him."

And Reese realizes that to be a fact. When his body almost failed him, his mother says God quickly and fully acted to work a miracle.

"Thank you for praying for me," adds Reese

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