The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Psst...Can you keep a secret?

This Saturday's edition of The Bruce Collins Show was taped last night. My guest, John Rubino, did an outstanding job explaining the past and current financial markets. We were able to talk about some things that John and I have never discussed before, while still being able to explain some things starting at square one (for the new AM audience).

We touched on:

- How we got here economically
- Keynesian economics
- Ron Paul
- buying property in Costa Rica
- The coming assault on liberty
- Will we see deflation or inflation
- Considering gold is at an all time high- is it still wise to buy gold?
- What will happen worldwide- a one world currency?
- Are clean technologies the future investing bubble?

His website is and you can follow him on Twitter at @dollarcollapse

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