The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kudos to Jack Van Impe Ministries

Jack Van Impe has really been bringing to the forefront of his program the secret agenda of the satanic elites in the world today. This week, Jack mentioned the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg group, Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Illuminati) , Henry Kissinger, the Club of Rome, the history of the term "New World Order" and 2012. He also said that he will have a DVD documentary completed soon regarding his research into these secret societies.

My hat is off to Jack because it takes a courageous person to come forward, to brave the ridicule over sounding like a 'conspiracist,' and, lastly, it may actually be dangerous for Mr. Van Impe to expose the globalist agenda on a worldwide stage. Pray for him.

Presently, he is offering a DVD on the year 2012 and this week, he mentioned how many ancients societies (including, of course, the Mayans) thought that 2012 was some kind of a pivotal year. Then, he said a book that documents those past societies is The Ark of Millions of Years, Volume 3. Coincidentally, I have had the author of that book, Dr. Brooks Agnew, on the Big Finale several times. While his research into the past IS pretty good, he also has a lot of New Age beliefs that were not relevant to the purposes of The Big Finale... but I'm sure this latest book does shed light on 2012.

I'm not sure if 2012 is or is not a pivotal year. I just believe that the signs all around us show us that changes are coming...Soon.

Speaking of the Council on Foreign Relations, I woke up today to CNBC's coverage of Ben Bernanke speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations. What did he have to say today? That the US financial risk is going to need to be handled globally.

But, I'm just a crazy conspiratorialist, right?

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