The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Monday, December 01, 2008

On The Internet "Dial" Wednesday...

WEDNESDAY, December 3rd: 8:00-10:00PM, EST
Dr. Gianni Hayes’ Radio Show:
Time: 8:00-9:00pm, EST:

Guests: Charles Upton, Author

Metaphysics, Social Criticism & the Antichrist

In the19 80’s, Charles Upton participated in the movement against U.S. intervention in Central America and the sanctuary movement for Central American refugees, and shortly afterward did a tour of duty, partly as a participant, partly an investigator, in the mass magical/populist peace movement of the New Age. He has been a member of a traditional Persian Sufi order.

He has had published several books: The System of Antichrist: Truth and Falsehood in Postmodernism and the New Age (2001); Legends of the End: Prophesies of the End Times, Antichrist, Apocalypse and Messiah from Eight Religious Traditions, and Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics (2005); In 2006 he published, The Virtues of the Prophet, and The War Against the Passions, followed by five more books in 2008, such as, How to See God in the Natural World; and various poems, folk songs and Spirituals.

Charles Upton, who was born in San Francisco, California in 1948, is a poet, social critic, and lifelong student of traditional metaphysics and comparative religion, as well as a veteran of the counterculture of the 1960’s and 1970’s. He began his writing career as a poet; his epic poem “”Panic Grass” was published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Books in 1968, and his second book of poems, “Time Raid,” saw print that same year.

He’ll offer his insight on how the Antichrist, Islamism and metaphysics interact, along with the state of the world today as seen by a social critic. This will be an interested perspective.
Time: 9:00-10:00pm, EST:

Guests: James Rothstein, Ret. NYCPD Detective and Current Mayor
Kennedy Assassination, Bay of Pigs & Pedo Underground

From serving the navy, to being a police detective, to his current position as mayor of St, Martin, MN, Jim “Boots” Rothstein has seen it all, especially what happens behind the scenes, as was the case in the Kennedy assassination, along with pedophilic systemized crime,. He served on patrol in Midtown Manhattan, and as a plainclothes Anti-Crime Patrol and Investigator, and did undercover surveillance in the area of pimps, prostitutes, narcotics, and organized crime.

He says, “On the streets of every city in America there are thousands of children…selling themselves into prostitution….Some of these children are on their own, others are preyed upon by older children who exploit them. Surrounding and controlling these children, who have been manipulated and forced into utter physical, sexual, and emotional degradation in their daily lives, are their procurers and abusers who are even more depraved. It is these procurers and abusers who criminally and sexually exploit these children for commercial purposes: pornography, prostitution, extortion, blackmail, and human compromise; not to mention larceny, burglary, and other criminal activities. Police make many arrests of child molesters and pedophiles who troll for children around bus terminals, arcades, and malls. Rarely are the[y]…successfully prosecuted. Despite public concern, even outrage, little is done beyond expressions of outrage….Everyday there are reports of children who are abducted or disappear off the face of the earth…they become the victims of a society which is divided into five separate groups: family, homosexual, commercial, serial killers and occult.” Mr. Rothstein has developed a National Information Data Base tracking prostitution (male and female) and the trafficking of children.

The Mayor, in his detective career, had the opportunity to deeply investigate JFK murder. He offers, “I arrested Frank Sturgis when he came to kill Marita Lorenz when she was going to testify at the House assassination Hearings. Marita was the mistress of Fidel Castro; she was sent by the CIA to kill Castro, and was present when the Kennedy Assassination was planned. Sturgis was on the grassy knoll, [and involved in] the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Watergate Break In. This is part of the real story of the Kennedy assassination.”

Mayor Martin is currently investigating The Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah Building, the sexual abuse and financial crisis in the Catholic Church as well as the infiltration of, and the cover-up by, the Church. You won’t want to miss this show!

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