The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Support Alex Jones' Boycott of YouTube on December 19th...

Summary: Youtube's new guidelines allows them to demote videos they don't approve of, no matter what the content. Usually videos related to politics which become popular are demoted and kept off the front pages of numerous channels.


We urge everyone on YouTube to participate in a blackout on December 19th 2008. We have chosen this date because we needed enough time after this video was posted to gather enough attention and supporters in order to have an effect on the traffic on YouTube. So we figured almost two weeks from now would be a credible amount of time. The blackout can last how ever long each user feels is appropriate. We sincerely hope that everyone who is watching joins us on that day for this civil protest. Please do not forget that all of your clicks and video posts made this site what it is today. Without your clicks, watches, and videos there would be no YouTube. Thank You.

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