Well, I am advertising on one of the hottest websites right now, iamfacingforeclosure.com. Needless to say, the hits to this website have gone up as well as the mp3's are getting a lot more use.
I encountered some 'hate' mail for doing it but, actually, I find it funny. People are mad at me for advertising on the site- yet they, apparently, read his website. Crazy, huh? Makes no sense? I think so, too.
I'm looking forward to Friday's show with Dr. Stanley Monteith. I've heard he will be at Conspiracy Con '07 this weekend at the Doubletree Inn in San Jose. Anyone going to be there? Let me know, maybe we can meet. I know last Friday's guest, Jerry E. Smith, is one of the featured speakers on Saturday.
Since I haven't mentioned it here, Tom Horn has been graciously enough to let me write a column and also to do book reviews at www.raidersnewsnetwork.com.
Have a great week all and keep your chin up and your eyes 'on the prize'!
God bless,