The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Sunday, June 22, 2008

True Story..and somewhat Funny...

Now that we are in our third year and I have a lot of guests that I have become friends with, I feel like I can tell a few "behind the scenes" stories... nothing too sensational but there are a few humorous experiences.

In 2006, I invited Warren Brussee, the author of "The Second Great Depression", to be a guest on the show.

He came on the show and we had an excellent interview. He's a great guy.

A few weeks before the show, he told me that he almost declined on the offer because The Big Finale program was just "too negative." What changed his mind was the quality of the interviews I had done with economic experts such as John Rubino, Rob Kirby, Gary Deusch, and others. However, he wanted to make sure that I knew that he wasn't into the whole "negative tone."

My thought?

His book is The Second Great Depression !!!

Of course, elsewhere on the web, I was labeled a "Doomsday Personality" so I guess you just can't avoid the labels, huh?

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