The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Video Interview With Former FBI Agent, Ted Gunderson

Ted Gunderson was hired by the FBI - by J. Edgar Hoover. Very interesting interview, including his discussion on J. Edgar Hoover.

Note: Ted Gunderson and Stanley Monteith are scheduled to be at the Conspiracy Con this June in the Bay Area.

This is how evil, corrupt and satanic those in power are:

The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called "The Finders". The Finders is one of the most alarming and despicable covert operations against America's children that Gunderson's investigations helped to uncover, but it's only one of many covert Gestapo-like acts committed against American citizens by government agents under directives issued, not by Congress or the President, but rather by international satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control the Secret or Inner government of the United States as well as every other major government in the world. The "Finders" operation began in the 1960's and continues kidnapping children to this very day.

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