The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Brother Found This Website

A self reliant lifestyle, put simply, means anyone can be independent of "the system," building toward as much self sufficiency as possible, given the limits of present day living conditions. Should the electric power go out or natural disasters leave you isolated, plenty of stored food and water, plus heat and cooking systems, etc, will enable your family to continue to be warm and nourished during the emergency and beyond. If Martial Law is declared or terrorist attacks occur, you need not leave the safety of your home, unless your individual foresight and planning include an "early out" to a retreat with pre-positioned supplies. You will have stored food and water, essential to life. Add in faith, and we will wait him out. Remember the seven lean years! America could become a 3rd World nation overnight. Don't believe me? Read Survival In the City.

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