January Schedule- 'Conspiracy Month'
January 2nd- Bruce's Economic Forecast for 2009- and what to do to be prepared
January 9th-Ralph Epperson, http://www.ralphepperson.com/ , legendary conspiratorial historian
January 16th- Patrick Wood, http://www.augustreview.com/ and http://www.geostrategictrends.com/ , also a legendary conspiratorial historian
January 23rd- Dr. Stanley Monteith, http://www.radioliberty.com/ , third legendary conspiratorial historian/ researcher and host of Radio Liberty on the GCN radio network
January 30th- John Rubino, http://www.dollarcollapse.com/ and http://www.greenstockinvesting.com/ , author of books that have successfully predicted future trends, including "The Coming Collapse of the Dollar" and his new book, "Clean Money"