The Home Of The Bruce Collins Show

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This Friday Night at 7pm Pacific: The Big Finale with Bruce Collins... special guest, Dr. Stanley Monteith

Dr. Stanley Monteith joins The Big Finale this Friday night at 7pm to talk about the Obama Presidency and to explain who is setting policy in the Obama White House. Plus, we will take a look at current geopolitical trends and what may be in store for our personal freedoms in the years to come. Dr. Monteith is a highly respected GCN radio host and his website is You can listen to The Big Finale live on Friday night (7pm Pacific/10 pm Eastern) at and catch all the previous shows on iTunes!
For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association. For 10 years he led the battle within organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic as a medical issue rather than a civil rights issue. As a result of his experiences trying to implement an effective medical approach to the HIV epidemic, he wrote the book, "AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic", the widely circulated pamphlet, "To Deceive a Nation", and more recently, "A Nation Deceived and Betrayed." Supported by physicians across our nation, his public health approach to the HIV epidemic was eventually accepted by the California Medical Association. Unfortunately, powerful forces continue to oppose the dictates of doctors. Dr Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio in California. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He has spent 30 years researching the causes for America's spiritual and moral decline.

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